The Three Sisters, Trinity

The Power of Sisterhood and Loyalty

In The Three Sisters, Trinity, the bonds of sisterhood and loyalty are forged in the present and deeply rooted in past lessons.

Little Turtle and Dominic, two figures whose influence stretches beyond their time, embody the virtues of unwavering loyalty and the strength found in unity. Though they can no longer stand beside the new guardians, their teachings live in Nova Talos, Vortex Nexus and Xoto.

Artistic character portraits of three central characters from a science fiction novel
Artistic character portraits of three central characters from a science fiction novel
A Ethereal scene inside a vortex, featuring Dominic, Nova Talos, Xoto, Vortex Nexus standing united
A Ethereal scene inside a vortex, featuring Dominic, Nova Talos, Xoto, Vortex Nexus standing united

The epic tale of
The Three Sisters, Trinity,

Their destinies are intertwined, and together, they hold the key to preserving the delicate balance of the universe. As you explore their stories, discover how technology, ancient knowledge, and human resilience converge to form the ultimate defense against the darkness that threatens all existence.

The Three Sisters, Trinity
Guardians of Balance, Born of Destiny
A powerful Native American male figure, dressed in traditional attire
A powerful Native American male figure, dressed in traditional attire
A detailed green turtle symbol etched into ancient stone, marking the spot in Agartha
A detailed green turtle symbol etched into ancient stone, marking the spot in Agartha
DALL·E 2024-08-29 06.55.15 - A detailed logo design that could be used as an emblem or patch
DALL·E 2024-08-29 06.55.15 - A detailed logo design that could be used as an emblem or patch

The Forgotten Guardian

Little Turtle’s legacy is one of quiet strength and unwavering resolve.
Though his name is not widely remembered, his impact on the world is profound.

Little Turtle stood against forces that sought to destroy the Earth long before the events of
The Three Sisters, Trinity began to unfold.

His connection to Agartha and its hidden knowledge was crucial in protecting the planet from destruction.
Today, his legacy serves as a guiding light for Nova Talos, Vortex Nexus and Xoto,
reminding them that their fight is not a new one,
part of a long and ongoing struggle to preserve balance in the universe.

Discover the intertwined fates of Nova Talos, Vortex Nexus, Xoto and Little Turtle

Little Turtle

Step into a world where ancient wisdom, human DNA, and advanced AI converge to protect the universe from the remnants of malevolent forces.
The Three Sisters—Nova Talos, Xoto, Vortex Nexus and Xoto are bound by destiny to form a powerful Trinity, safeguarding the fragile balance of existence. Their journey unfolds in a story of loyalty, sacrifice, and transcendence.
A highly detailed and futuristic character portrait of Nova Talos, inspired by the Dominic
A highly detailed and futuristic character portrait of Nova Talos, inspired by the Dominic
Nova Talos

A fusion of advanced AI and Human DNA

A highly detailed and intense character portrait of Vortex Nexus, inspired by the provided reference
A highly detailed and intense character portrait of Vortex Nexus, inspired by the provided reference
Vortex Nexus

Vortex bridges past and future

A highly detailed and mystical character portrait of Xoto,
A highly detailed and mystical character portrait of Xoto,

The last of an ancient alien race

A character portrait of Dominic Costello, a Sicilian mathematician in his mid-50s
A character portrait of Dominic Costello, a Sicilian mathematician in his mid-50s
Dominic (Pete) Costello
